Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta Resources
UUA Resources - Communications and Social Media for Unitarian Universalist Congregations
- UUA Social Media Discussion List
- New Media for Unitarian Universalists (UUA blog)
- Useful contacts at the UUA are:
Deb Weiner Director of Electronic Communications oecdirector@uua.org (617) 948-6104 Shelby Meyerhoff Public Witness Specialist (617) 948-6103 pw_specialist@uua.org Tim Griffin Online Communications Manager (617) 948-6448 oecmanager@uua.org
Facebook Resources
- Facebook Help Center
- Facebook Pages Guide. These guides are designed to help you make the most of your Facebook Page to tell your story and build deep, lasting connections with your audience. Find your Page category, download the corresponding Guide, and 'Like' the relevant Page to receive important updates.
- UU Planet (Peter Bowden)
- Common Craft YouTube Channel
- UUTV : Peter Bowden has brought together over 1600 UU videos on the website
Blog Resources
- UUpdates: News Aggregator for UU syndicated sites (including wikis, blogs, websites...)
- UUBlogSearch: Read what Unitarian Universalists are writing by searching over 70 blogs written by self-proclaimed Unitarian Universalists, as well as the the Unitarian Universalist Association and UUWorld web sites.
Twitter Resources
- Tweetdeck allows you to set up columns in a big window on your PC, where you can see different things, e.g. All Friends, Mentions (recent tweets containing your username – can scroll down), New Followers, Direct Messages, FB status updates.
- Tweetchat enables you to pull up all the hashtags on a particular subject.
- HootSuite is similar to tweetdeck and sends out information about a link you are interested in to everyone you are following.